Art History Book Giveaway For World Book Day 2024

Apr 23, 2024 |

To celebrate World Book Day, the Academy believes books are life's treasures and so to celebrate, we're giving away a collection of reads!

Dear Enchanted Ones,

World Book Day whispers through the halls of the Academy, and with it comes a delightful opportunity to celebrate the magic of reading! We believe books are more than just bound pages; they're portals to hidden worlds, fountains of knowledge, and companions on journeys of self-discovery.

However, these precious treasures sometimes come with a cost, making access to captivating stories a challenge for some. That's why we're thrilled to announce a special World Book Day giveaway, offering a chance for 6 lucky winners to expand their personal libraries with a collection of captivating reads!

But the magic of reading extends far beyond the pages of a thrilling novel. Delving into the history of art and music unlocks a treasure trove of knowledge waiting to be explored. Imagine yourself wandering through the Louvre, captivated by the vibrant colors of Van Gogh's sunflowers, or losing yourself in the ethereal melodies of a Chopin nocturne. Through reading about these artistic movements, you gain a deeper understanding of the stories behind the masterpieces, the emotions they evoke, and the cultural context that birthed them.

Perhaps you'll discover a hidden passion for Renaissance sculpture, or find yourself enthralled by the symbolism woven into Pre-Raphaelite paintings. Reading about art and music history allows you to connect with the creative spirit that has resonated throughout history, enriching your appreciation for these timeless expressions of human emotion.

Ready to embark on your own literary adventure? Join our World Book Day giveaway and unlock a treasure chest of stories!

Here's how to enter:

  1. Simply go to this link and subscribe to the FREE 'Floral Lore' e-book that I made for you. Once you're on this list you will be automatically entered. As a bonus, of course, you will also receive 'Floral Lore' and also be THE first to know when the Language Of Flowers Workshop blooms into life!


For an extra dash of bookish delight: Tag your fellow bibliophiles in the comments below!

Don't forget: The giveaway closes in late May/early June, just in time for the launch of a wondrous workshop (stay tuned for the exact date!).

Let's celebrate the power of reading together! May your shelves overflow with stories, and your hearts with wonder!

Before you go, what are some of your favourite books about the arts? It can be fiction or non-fiction I would absolutely love to hear about it in the comments.

I can't wait to chat there!

With love and infinite blessings,

Georgie xoxo

Categories: : Academy Of The Enchanted Arts News